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I have these two classic flaps from two popular factories – 187 and God Factor. I was able to luckily purchase these two beauties months ago off BST. I meant to make a comparison review, but never got around to it until now. #momlife. There’s many old posts comparing these two, but I thought I would share additional photos and my own opinions. Now for the goodies:

187 VS GOD FACTORY PHOTOS God Factory is GHW and 187 is SHW

🌟Caviar Leather: There are variation between seasons in the authentic caviar leather so I think both are passable. The God Factor feels bumpier and grainier to the touch. 187 is softer and smoother. The 187 caviar feels closer to my authentic Chanel.

🌟Quilting: The God Factory is puffier while 187 is flatter. Both are accurate- quilting puffiness will vary in authentics. I personally like puffy quilts

🌟Stitch Count: 187 has 9-10. God Factory has 8-9. Maybe that’s why God Factory is puffier?

🌟Hardware: Both hardware feels solid and weighty. The 187 is SHW while God Factory is GHW so it’s hard to make a side-by-side comparison of the two. I had a 187 CF with GHW and I personally feel that God Factor’s GHW is more accurate than 187

🌟Chain: The God Factory strap is longer. I’m not sure which is more accurate since I don’t own an authentic CF. My God Factory also kinks more than the 187 although this may vary from bag to bag.

🌟Stamping: 187 is notorious for having messy stamping. This was no exception. Their messy “M” in “Made in France” is a trademark for me. No problems with God Factory’s stamping.

🌟Shape and structure: The God Factory feels more structured. The 187 has more squish when you press down on the bag.

🌟Flap: Both have the correct slope across the bottom of the flap. Where the flap folds over, the God Factory is more rounded whereas the 187 makes a sharper point.

🌟Mona Lisa: Both are excellent

🌟Alignment: The numbers of diamonds are accurate and the diamond cut-off along the bottom are accurate in both

🌟Double CC Turn-lock: Both look identical to me. Both have that satisfying click when closing and opening

Final thoughts? I think both are passable and both are high quality replicas. I could go into more details and start counting stitching in the CC inside the flap, but who is real life is going to QC your bag in that detail? Especially while you’re wearing it? Most people are not that knowledgeable from my experience.

When it comes down to choosing a bag, I think it a matter of preference and which category matters to you. For hardware, I prefer the 187 for SHW and God Factory for GHW. I prefer the caviar leather smoothness on the 187. I like the puffier quilting on the God Factory.

Factors You Must Think About as You Hire a Tree Removal Company

The removal and cutting of trees are a risky task. It isn’t one of those projects that you can do by yourself. The truth is that it’s a difficult task that needs the services of a professional tree removal company. Because of this, most homeowners search for an excellent tree removal company for clearing the trees.?? 

However, there are tons of tree removal service providers out there that provide the same level of service at various rates. Because of this, hiring the right one becomes a little more difficult. Fortunately, there are a couple of things that you have to know to make the process a lot easier.?? 

If you’re searching for an emergency tree removal and?tree surgeon Barnet, here are a couple of things you have to consider:? 

Ask for the Company’s Certification? 

Whenever you’re planning to hire any company, you need to ask for their certification first. This means that you’ve got to examine whether or not the tree removal company follows correct practices and standards. The company’s certification verifies that the company has equipped its employees with the right equipment and that their workers are trained as well.?? 

Consider the Price? 

One vital aspect to think about is the price. Choose a company that provides a rate that you could afford. However, this does not mean that you should go for the cheapest company. You should keep in mind that cheap companies often offer low-quality services. Thus, you’ve got to be extremely cautious when hiring a tree service company. It is best to ask for estimates from at least 3 different companies.? 

Company’s Experience? 

It’s vital to think about the experience of the company when choosing a tree removal service provider. It’s always suggested to go for a company that has a lot of experience when it comes to tree removal, preferably around 5 years. Possibilities are that you’ll get high-quality services if a company has a lot of experience. You might want to hire a tree service company that has been in the industry for more than 20 years if you want to get the best tree service.? 

Check for Liability and Insurance? 

Examining the company’s insurance is another crucial aspect. You’ve got to ensure that the company you’re going to hire is completely insured and licensed. The reason for this is that if there is any damage or injury that occurs during the project, you won’t be accountable to pay for that. In addition to that, if the damage is on your property, you will be paid for every damage that may happen.? 

The Reputation of the Company? 

It’s better to do the right research about their reputation to choose the right one. It is a vital aspect that most individuals often neglect when searching for a?tree?removal company. You have to check reviews and ratings of the company from previous clients. With ratings and reviews, you can get to know that the service provider you’re going to hire is dedicated to high-quality service and client satisfaction.? 

Ako si najať správnu firmu na sťahovanie

Ak sa plánujete pres?ahova? do nového domu, bolo by najlepšie naja? si takého s?ahováka, ktorý sp??a všetky dôležité kritéria. Ako teda celý tento proces za?a?? Pozrite si naše typy: 
Vygooglite si webovú stránku spolo?nosti 
Tento krok je obzvláš? dôležitý, pretože vám môže poskytnú? všetky najlepšie informácie, ktoré by ste mali vedie?, aby ste mohli urobi? informované rozhodnutie. Nájdite si recenzie zákazníkov, ?i na ich vlastnej stránke alebo z nejakého nezaujatého zdroja, a tiež služby, ktoré ponúkajú, ktoré nájdete na ich webových stránkach. Avšak nedovo?te aby nieko?ko recenzií vytvorilo vo vašej hlave príliš pozitívny alebo príliš negatívny imidž spolo?nosti. Namiesto toho ich len vyžite ako len jeden s faktorov pri rozhodovaní sa pre ktorú s?ahovaciu spolo?nos? sa rozhodnete.

Zvážte výhody a nevýhody

Predtým, ako si vyberiete svoju firmu na s?ahovanie v Bratislave, nezabudnite najskôr zváži? niektoré dôležité veci, aby ste mali neskôr ne?utovali. Vytvorte zoznam svojich požiadaviek vrátane ako napríklad: po?etná rodina, vä?šina vecí ktoré s?ahujem sú krehké, potrebujem medzištátnu prepravu a ?alšie. Potom skúste vybra?, ktorá s?ahovacia služba je ideálna pre vaše potreby. Aj ke? tiež musíte porovnáva? sadzby, a kopec ?alších faktorov s tým spojených. 

Porovnajte cenové odhady viacerých firiem 

Nevyberte si hne? prvú s?ahovaciu firmu na ktorú natrafíte. Skôr než si vyberiete tú správnu pre vás, musíte si spravi? podrobný prieskum. Vyberte si najmenej 3 s?ahovacie spolo?nosti a pokúste sa porovna? ich cenové odhady a služby, aby ste zistili, ktorá z nich je ideálna pre vaše s?ahovacie potreby a rozpo?et. Ak chcete analyzova? ove?a jednoduchšie, zistite si aký typ s?ahováka potrebujete. Je rozdiel ak chcete s?ahova? veci z bodu A do bodu B alebo ke? chcete vyprata? nejaký priestor s tým že potrebujete veci z bytu vyhodi?. Pri vypratávaní je ove?a vyššia cena ako pri oby?ajnom s?ahovaní.

Spýtajte sa na všetky veci, ktoré chcete vedie? 

Predtým, ako si najmete experta na s?ahovanie, musíte vedie? o ich skúsenostiach, oblasti pôsobenia, službách at?. Preto nikdy nepochybujte o tom ?i by ste sa mali tieto otázky pýta? každej s?ahovacej firmy pri výbere. Akáko?vek renomovaná spolo?nos? Vám rada poskytne odpovede na nebude podozrievavá že sa pýtate ve?a otázok. Aby ste nikdy nezmeškali žiadny detail, môžete prís? so zoznamom dôležitých otázok, ktoré chcete vedie?. Ak ste spokojní s ich odpove?ami, je ten pravý ?as na riešenie poslednej dôležitej otázky 

Spýtajte sa na skryté náklady 

Rôzne spolo?nosti vám zapo?ítajú rôzne skryté náklady po vykonaní svojich služieb, a ke?že robota je už urobená tak Vám nezostáva ni? iné ako ich zaplati?. Na tieto praktiky si dávajte pozor. Pred tým ako sa definitívne rozhodnete, nezabudnite ich požiada?, aby vám poskytli písomný odhad nákladov, ktorý by spolo?nos? mohla použi? pri vašom pres?ahovaní. Nezabudnite si tiež zapísa? každý jeden cent, ktorý plánujú použi? v kone?nom výpo?te. Ak máte tento písomný odhad, môžete ho použi? ako dôkaz pre prípad, že by pridali nieko?ko skrytých nákladov. Tento dokument vás tým pádom ochráni aby s vami s?ahováci po s?ahovaní nemohli vybabra? 

Rozdie? medzi vypratávaním a s?ahovaním. 

Na za?iatku si treba uvedomi? ?i máte záujem o vypratávanie alebo s?ahovanie. Vyptratávanie znamená že sa chcete zbavi? starých vecí vo svojom byte, garáží alebo kancelárií a vyjodi? ich na skládku. S?ahovanie iba znamená že potrebujete premiestnit svoje veci dajem tomu z bytu A do bytu B. Na ?o netreba zabudnú? je to že vypratávanie v Bratislave je omnoho drahšie ako s?ahovanie takže si treba na za?iatku ujasni? ktorá varianta sa Vás týka a potom to patri?ne objasnti? s?ahovaciemu/vypratávaciemu personálu. 

Ak všetky tieto tipy aplikujete do praxe tak si môžete by? istý že si vyberiete tu najlepšiu s?ahovaciu spolo?nos? pre vaše potreby. 

Signs that your Roof Needs Some Professional Help

Professionals such as roofers Newport say that roofs could last for a very long time. Some could even last for more than twenty years as long as they are cared for properly and regularly. Roofs are made to withstand extreme weather conditions, strong winds, the heat of the sun, and so many more factors of the outside world. Thus, it is very important to never skimp on your roof because it could serve you as long as you pick the best one and maintain it regularly. There are so many options for roofing if you do your research. When you study roofs and their different styles and kinds, you will see that there are so many options that you could choose from, and each option will have its pros and cons. You have to compare and contrast each one of them and look for the best one. Or you could hire professional roofers to help you out in selecting which roof will be good for your home. These professionals will give you the best advice that you could ever hear.   

When you talk about your home, it would be best to only talk with professionals because they are the best at giving you any advice that would suit your project. You should see that you only hire the professionals you like to work with and the professionals who will give you good results at the end of the day. When you find the best one in the business, then you can be sure that the results will be awesome in the end. But you have to know that even though roofs could last for a very long time, there are still some repairs that you should be doing after some time.  

Hence, in this article, you will know some of the signs that you would have to look out for. These signs will tell you that roof need some repair and love.   

  • When light peeks through it  

When you can see the light from above, it means that there is a hole in your roof and it needs to be replaced immediately. If there is a hole in your roof, water, and other debris could come in, which would not be good for your home. Thus, you should always make sure that there is no hole in your roof and if you see one, call the professionals to help you repair it.   

  • Downward Deck  

If the roofing deck in your home is directed downwards, you must see to it that you call the professionals for help. The cause of this could be water and moisture, which could ruin your roof in the long run.   

  • Stains on the walls  

If you see water stains or any other similar stains on your walls, it could be a big sign that the roof above your head needs some loving and repairs. You should make sure that you attend to this or else it will turn into something big.  

As long as you call professional roofers for help, you can easily solve any roofing problems that you will have 

What Can You Expect from a Tree Surgeon?

We normally hire someone to help us when it comes to removing the dead tree on our property. This is fine since we can’t remove this one on our own. At the same time, we do not have the materials and tools to get rid of the trunk, stump, and roots under the ground. It is nice that we would leave the inspection and the process of getting rid of the dead and huge tree to the tree sureon Richmond since they are experts on this problem. 


Others are hesitant since they don’t know what they will expect from this kind of service. Some would try to research first, and there is nothing wrong with doing this kind of step. It will help you to realize that you can learn so many things from doing this method. Of course, you need to have more than two resources to guarantee that what you are going to book or get will be the best one from those choices. We can talk about the different things that you can expect from tree experts and surgeons whenever you have the chance to get their service.   

There will be a free inspection or checkup for your trees. It is similar to those doctors that we visit whenever we don’t feel very good. Of course, this will be subject to the type of tree surgeon you will hire. You need to know first if there is a chance for you to let them check the tree’s condition before you decide whether to get them. Some tree experts would do it for free as they wanted to give a good service and excellent result to the homeowner’s problem.  

After that, they will give a detailed quotation of what you need to expect about the service. They will try to recommend you the services that they have. It is nice if you are going to ask them some questions to know the whole part of the process. If you are not that confident about getting to know more about the terms, it is your chance now to research a bit deeper.   

They can give a pleasant assessment of the things they will do and work for the tree. They will provide you with a nice schedule, but of course, it is going to be your choice first before anything else. That would be an excellent point as well that you will ask them about the different preparations that you have to prepare and do for your area. You don’t want this one to cause more trouble when they start working there.   

Of course, it will be their job to collect all the dirt and debris of the trees there. They have a special place where they can throw this one.   

Advantages of Using Appliance Repair Services

Everybody would love to live a life that’s stress-free and full of comfort and convenience. Home appliances are the key features in homes that provide a convenient lifestyle for homeowners. Together with great features and functionalities, home appliances can help you save a lot of time and effort. Moreover, they can greatly help in making the day-to-day task a lot easier and more efficient.?? 

While properly working appliances can give numerous benefits, faulty gadgets can result in a lot of troubles and issues and break the family’s everyday routine. Hence, if you want to prevent it from happening, it would be best to have your damaged parts fixed right away with the help of expert technicians that offer?appliance repair White Plains. Here are the following advantages of doing so: 


It’s not safe to do DIY repairs to electrical appliances. Hence, they are intended to be troubleshot only by an expert technician or electrician. An appliance service provider puts safety first before they start the repair process to keep them from electrocuted or facing severe dangers. They are always willing to offer reliable and safe mending solutions, which is an important factor in choosing an appliance repair company to trust.? 

Comprehensive Solutions 

In the event your microwave malfunctions and your washer did not turn on the next day, you don’t have to look for another appliance repair company who will fix these other appliances. If you hire a reputable and skilled repair expert, you can make sure that they will abide by their words. Meaning, they will attend to the needs of their customers whenever they need them at any time of the day. Plus, they will give a complete solution for all of your maintenance needs.? 


The professional appliance company’s team members are insured, licensed, and highly skilled. These appliance technicians can deal with the common repairs that need to be done easily and can efficiently troubleshoot any appliance. The services provided by expert technicians are expected to be top-notch. Also, you’ll less likely have any issues after they resolve your appliance problem. 


The convenience that every reputable professional repair company is unbeatable. To experience this, all you need to do is to look for a local company on the internet that offers appliance repair services. Get their address and their number from their official site and contact them for bookings. Expect that you’ll get a response shortly.? 

Save money 

If you have a malfunctioning appliance, spending money to buy a new unit is not sustainable and won’t always be the right solution. For instance, when your refrigerator is not properly working, rather than selling it to a junk company, it would be best to have it checked by a technician first. A trained expert can look for a good solution that will fix all problem areas of faulty components. Compared to the cost of purchasing a new gadget, the cost for appliance repair will be significantly lower, helping you save money.